
The posts in this blog are comprised mainly of my speculations, musings, and analysis about what has happened and what will happen in True Blood, the HBO TV show and other thoughts about various characters and plotlines in the show. I invite readers to comment voluminously with agreement, disagreement, alternate theories. I also am very willing to post the speculations of others if submitted to me via selle.castaigneda@gmail.com. If you have a blog or website you'd like to have listed here, please let me know. Thanks!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kidnapped and Tortured - Lafayette and Bill Correlation

Lafayette was captured by someone (Eric) who believed him to be a threat to their way of life (because of Lafayette selling V). None of the people left behind in Bon Temps knew where he was, if he'd left voluntarily, nor did they find any clues confirming he'd been kidnapped. Lafayette escaped from captivity and thought he was free, only to be recaptured soon after his escape (by Ginger). After recapture, he tried to bargain for his release but his offer was met only with mild interest. He was then pierced with sharp objects (vamp teeth) and was feasted upon by others. He was then returned to his jail area. He was later freed after his freedom was negotiated by another person.

Bill was captured by someone who believes him to be a threat to their way of life (kidnapping happened already, he was taken from the restaurant when dining out with Sookie in Epi 12 of S2). None of the people left behind in Bon Temps know where he is, if he's left voluntarily, nor do they find any clues confirming he's been kidnapped. He escapes from captivity and thinks he is free, only to be recaptured soon after his escape. After recapture, he tries to bargain for his release but his offer is met only with mild interest. He will then be pierced with sharp objects and will be feasted upon by others. He will then be returned to his jail area. He will later be freed after his freedom is negotiated by another person.


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